Buy Mulch in Bulk &
Save on Your Next Landscaping Project

Let the pros at Soil Plus help you with your next project, from start to finish. We can help you decide how much to purchase to avoid excess waste and find the right fabric to lay under your mulch to keep your beds weed free for the longest time possible, all at rates lower than the big box stores.

Supreme Hardwood Natural Bark Mulch

Natural Bark Mulch

Supreme Hardwood Black Bark

Black Bark Color Enhanced

What are the benefits of Mulching?

  • Moisture Retention
  • Weed Suppression
  • Temperature Regulation
  • Soil Health Improvement
  • Erosion Prevention
  • Pest Control
  • Fungal & Disease Prevention

Brown Mulch

Dark Brown Mulch

Black Mulch

Red Mulch

IPEMA Certified Playground Mulch_112700

Playground Mulch


Red Cedar Mulch

Pine Needle Natural Longleaf for protecting your landscaped beds.

Pine Needle Longleaf

Learn More About Each Type of Mulch

AAA Natural Bark Mulch

AAA Natural Mulch is just that natural much it does not have any coloring added to it. This particular mulch will fade over a short time and with the end results of a grayish color it
Natural mulch breaks down over time and helps contribute to the soil health. This can be very helpful, especially if your soil fertility is poor.
This mulch is great for landscapers and homeowners alike and will decompose the quickest of the hardwoods. Therefore, it makes for a great soil amendment in soil mixes and for mulching in a new area that needs some quick organics added to the soil. This product should be applied 3″ to 4″ in depth.

AAA Black Bark Color Enhanced Mulch

AAA Black Bark Mulch I am sure you are thinking what is the difference between dyed black and black bark mulch. No worries, that is one of our most popular questions. Black Bark Mulch is specifically made from the outside of the tree which is the bark. As we know the bark protects the inside of the tree, so the black bark will hold it color longer for the season and it does not compost down as quickly as some of the others. The black bark mulch is definitely a desired option for many. This product should be applied 3″ to 4″ in depth.

AAA Premium Brown Mulch

AAA Premium Brown Mulch is another of our finest grade mulch with its beautiful milk chocolate brown color that adds rich, vibrant color for the full season. This is definitely a favorite for our customers.  

This mulch is great for landscapers and homeowners alike and will decompose the quickest of the hardwoods. Therefore, it makes for a great soil amendment in soil mixes and for mulching in a new area that needs some quick organics added to the soil. This product should be applied 3″ to 4″ in depth.

AAA Dark Brown Mulch

AAA Dark Brown is another of our finest grade mulch with its dark brown color that adds rich, vibrant color for the full season. This is also a very popular choice of our customers.

This mulch is great for landscapers and homeowners alike and will decompose the quickest of the hardwoods. Therefore, it makes for a great soil amendment in soil mixes and for mulching in a new area that needs some quick organics added to the soil. This product should be applied 3″ to 4″ in depth.

AAA Black Mulch

AAA Black Dyed Hardwood Fines is our finest grade of mulch with its dark black in color. This mulch is great for landscapers and homeowners alike and will decompose the quickest of the hardwoods. Therefore, it makes for a great soil amendment in soil mixes and for mulching in a new area that needs some quick organics added to the soil. This product should be applied 3″ to 4″ in depth.

AAA Red Mulch

AAA Brick Red Mulch is one for those that like to stand out from the crowd. The red mulch as such the rich and vibrant color to it. This mulch does show a little fading over time compared to the other AAA mulches we offer but does had that extra pop of color to your landscaping.

Like our other mulches the AAA Red mulch is also great for landscapers and homeowners alike and will decompose the quickest of the hardwoods. This product should be applied 3″ to 4″ in depth.

Color enriched dyed mulch must have appropriate time to cure to prevent color loss. If rain is forecasted for the day of delivery, the mulch must be covered. PLEASE DO NOT LAY THE MULCH IF RAIN IS FORECASTED IN THE NEXT 48 HOURS. Soils Plus, LLC is not responsible for color loss due to the misapplication of this product.

IPEMA Certified Playground Mulch

IPEMA Certified Playground Mulch is another natural wood mulch with no coloring and certified to be very clean and free of sharp metals or other harmful debris. Also is free of harmful chemicals. This product is a chipped mulch instead of a shredded mulch.
A playground ground cover material that has met specific requirements set by the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and has been tested to ensure they meet or exceed those standards. The IPEMA (International Play Equipment Manufactures Association) certification process uses a third party to test the materials, IPEMA oversees the process and validates the playground surface material to ensure it meets or exceeds standards set by the ASTM, giving the product an IPEMA certification.

Red Cedar Mulch

Aromatic Red Cedar is superior to other mulch because of its fragrant smell and ability to drive away most insects. It also is known to hold moisture and heat in the ground protecting plants, looks great and gives off a wonderful aromatic fragrance.

Pine Needle Longleaf

The rich, golden-brown color and long, durable strands create an attractive, low-maintenance ground cover that enhances garden beds and pathways.